Energy Efficiency
Our goal at Linton Windows and Glass is to provide energy efficient windows and doors which promote sustainable practices and help save energy. We carry products that offer the latest in energy efficient technology and performance to help you keep your home or business running as energy efficient as possible.
But at Linton Windows and Glass “sustainability” is not just about reforming products and practices to reduce energy consumption and promote ethical management of resources. To us “sustainability” began long before compact fluorescent light bulbs and electric cars, it began even before energy efficient windows and doors. To us “sustainability” simply began with doing things the right way. That’s why when you ask us to dispose of your old windows we don’t just throw them in the landfill. First we assess if anything can be reused. For everything that cannot be reused, we undertake the cost of disassembling and separating each material to ensure it can be recycled or disposed of in the most efficient way.
It is our promise not only to provide the best energy efficient products, but also to run our business in the most sustainable manner possible.